Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Water babies

Tonight was our first water babies class. Now I am not a swimmer, which is funny because I was pretty much a water baby. I had swimming lessons from as far back as I can remember. I hate swimming now, I am afraid of deep water, if it comes up to my chest I'm not having it. But, I want the boys to like water. The boy likes water, he has had his share of swimming lessons and did really well. Plus I wanted something that me and the father could do with them together. Water babies is perfect!
The nice thing about the class was that it is held at a school for students with severe impairments or disabilities. So the pool was really warm and has a padded bottom, made easy on my knees since I was pretty much kneeling for a lot of the time. It was just easier to hold the peanut that way.
We sang some songs, we had some activities. It was nice. The moose pretty much liked it. But he is a shy baby, doesn't like strangers at all. So when the instructor tried to make an example using him she held him for a minute and he had a terrible melt down. After he calmed down he splished and splashed away. The peanut had a field day for the most part. Swallowed a little water and didn't like it, but he got over it. Then they got tired and it was over.
Next week I need to try to adjust their nap time so they are less tired for class.