Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sleep o glorious sleep...

In February I got the brilliant idea that we, and I use the term loosely, would start sleeping more and eating less during the overnight hours. I mean really now... At 4+ months old they really didn't need to eat every 2 - 3 hours all night, but I really did need to sleep. I fought the good fight, they would cry, I would get up and give them their oopies (pacis), they would cry, I would get up and give them their oopies... We did this for maybe a week or so. I gave up trying to move their bedtime to later, they want to go to bed early - why should I have a problem with this? I really don't. Our solution... We get them up at 10 or 11 and give them a bottle before we go to bed. The last supper I like to call it. So after fighting the good fight, and winning, I lived a 1 1/2 months with getting up at 2:20 / 3am for a bottle. Well now they will be 6 months old at the end of the month and I am done with waking up in the middle of the night. And we fight again...
CIO night one - After almost 1 1/2 hours between the two of them - I win!
CIO night two - The moose sleeps thru the night! The peanut is sick with a cold so he wakes up after almost 6 hours of sleep and because I want him to eat as much as possible I feed him - nice mommy!
CIO night three - that is tonight so we'll see!!!