This is what happens when daddy leaves his credit card out... The babies buy their mommy flowers for mother's day!!! Sneaky peanut and sneaky moose!!! Mommy was so happy!!!

The daily comings and goings of the cranky twins - a Peanut and a Moose, their mom, dad, and their siblings.
Posted by Cranky Mom at 11:55 PM 1 comments
Labels: mommy, moose, mother's day, peanut
When I am out and about with the twins I get asked the most ridiculous questions. I thought it would be fun to share some of them...
1) Oh my God... are they twins?
-- my response (with my inside my head voice)
- No... the hospital had a buy one get one sale.
- No... One is my husbands, one is mine.
- One is a twin, and one isn't.
2) Are they identical?
-- my response (out loud)
- No... The moose is about 5lbs heaver.
Person asks "Are you sure?"
-- my response
- Ummm... Yea... They really don't look alike...
3) Are they paternal?
-- my response
- Yes they have a father.
4) Do twins run in your family?
-- my response (with my inside my voice)
- I'm sure they will once they get up and going. Right now they just roll around a bit. (Nobody gets this by the way.)
5) How do you tell them apart?
-- my response
- Well The Moose is heavier, bigger, and they don't look alike.
6) Did you have them naturally?
-- my response (with my inside voice)
- No I sat on a egg and hatched them.
(with my outside voice)
- Yes. I had a great epidural.
7) Wow... I don't know how you ever manage to leave the house with both of them.
-- my response
- I would leave them home alone but people tend to frown.
- I would leave one at home alone but apparently that is illegal.
8) We walked into a restaurant carrying them in the car seat carriers... the host asked us if they needed kids menus.
-- The daddy's response
- Only if you have formula on the menu.
Posted by Cranky Mom at 10:36 PM 3 comments
Labels: stupid twin comments
I've always heard that patience is a virtue. I Googled it and found this from "Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings" by Gregory Y. Titelman (Random House, New York, 1996): "Patience is a virtue. The ability to wait for something without excessive frustration is a valuable character trait. and it goes on ...
So I was feeding the boys last night, exactly the same way as I always do. They have learned so many things... so many things! They are geniuses I tell you!!!
- They know to lift their arms up when I put the trays on. Brilliant!
- They know when I sit down it is chow time and they start pounding their hands on the trays. - Thanks daddy!
Why is it that they don't know patience? I thought that being a twin you would have to learn to be patient right? Well apparently not at just shy of 7 months old...
I give the peanut a mouth full, he spits some out, I scoop it up and shovel it back in. In this few seconds the moose is having a fit. Now it's his turn. And the peanut has a fit. They know that the are next - I'm sure that they do. I feed one, then the other. Peanut, Moose, Peanut, Moose... over and over again. I am sure that just like they know to lift their arms so I can put the tray on, they know that they get the next spoon full. But can they wait? Noooooooooo...
Patience is a virtue. The ability to wait for something without excessive frustration is a valuable character trait. When will then develop this "valuable character trait" and stop screaming at the mommy? Who knows? Not me... I sure have not learned it yet!!!
Anybody that says having twins is as easy as having one baby is insane. But I will say that it isn't as hard as having one. I think the hardest thing is having to let one cry while I tend to the other. While I know that it isn't hurting him, it always hurts mommy to hear her baby crying.
Here are some things that I have figured out over the last 6 1/2 months.
1) Always have them awake and asleep together. While you may think it is will be easier for you to spend "quality" time with one if they nap separate it will be better for you peace of mind if they nap together. This will turn into you time to nap, get things done, catch up on writing thank you notes, whatever you need to do. Now it will take you some time to get to this point, once you get them on a nap schedule. I think it was a couple of months before we were there. Now when one of the cranky twins wakes up in the morning I wake the other one up. That way when one is ready for a nap they other is too. It doesn't always work, but 98% of the time they keep the same schedule all day.
2) Introducing solid foods. When you introduce solids you are supposed to wait 3 days to a week between new foods for allergies. I find it best to always feed them the same new food at the same time. Unless you are the kind of person who is going to write everything down, I am not. This way if there is a reaction you don't have to try to remember who had peas and who had green beans. If they both had green beans on Thursday - no problem! I feel them both the same thing at the same time. Lucky for me they have the same taste!
3) Feeding. I didn't breast feed. It didn't work out for us - no big deal. In order to bottle feed two babies at the same time I had to prop somebody's bottle up. I alternate who got held and who's bottle got propped up. Sometimes they both got their bottles propped up so I could get somethings done. They didn't seem to care, but I felt better and got to spend a few minutes with each one of them.
I'm sure there is more... but that is all I can think of for now. Don't pet the sweaty stuff and don't sweat the peaty stuff. It's not a big deal. They survive and so do the moms.
Posted by Cranky Mom at 2:37 PM 1 comments
Labels: cranky twins, moose, peanut
Out this afternoon with the boy shopping for his birthday and some school stuff. The peanut grabs my pinky finger and puts it in his mouth. Just like he has done a million other times... only today it hurts when he chomps down. I pull my finger out of his mouth and he grins. Little devil grin... I look in his mouth only to find two teeth on the bottom. What? Where did those come from? I know they were not there on Saturday. And I am pretty sure they were not there yesterday. Man that peanut is growing fast. Ok Moose... your turn!!! Just don't bite the mommy... bite the daddy instead!
Posted by Cranky Mom at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Ugh... my oldest baby... the boy... turns 13 today. How on earth can I be old enough to have a teenager? I can't figure it out. I've been thinking about it for weeks now and I just can't wrap my brain around the fact that I have a teenager; It really can't be possible. Happy Birthday baby boy!
Posted by Cranky Mom at 11:21 AM 0 comments